Cash Flow Analysis

Cash Flow Analysis

Cash flow is the movement of money in and out of the property or business. Its analysis serves as a meaningful measure to evaluate and compare risks, to determine before and after tax profit. LJR Group helps you to understand this important measurement which helps...
Ownership Structure

Ownership Structure

Our goal is to identify the most tax effective structure for each client at the start of an investment or business venture. In each case, client goals (long term and short term), aspirations, priorities, drivers, cost, flexibility need to be recognized to seek the...
Property Tax Returns

Property Tax Returns

LJR Group specializes in not only valuable property tax advice but also maximizing your property tax return by ensuring that no deduction is missed. We help you to answer your valuable questions like: Can the borrowing costs be deductible? Is my travel to investment...
Asset Protection

Asset Protection

Your investment property will grow in value with time and it needs protection from creditors and liabilities arising elsewhere. The appropriate structure of the ownership of the investment property protects your wealth and gives you peace of mind. LJR Group helps you...